๐๏ธ glfw
LuaJIT bindings for the embedded GLFW library
๐๏ธ inspect
Human-readable representation of Lua tables
๐๏ธ interop
Interoperability helpers for cross-language event handling
๐๏ธ json
Lua bindings for the embedded rapidjson library
๐๏ธ miniz
Lua bindings for the embedded miniz library
๐๏ธ openssl
Lua bindings for the embedded openssl library
๐๏ธ regex
Lua bindings for the embedded PCRE2 library
๐๏ธ stbi
LuaJIT bindings for the embedded stbi library
๐๏ธ stduuid
LuaJIT bindings for the embedded stduuid library
๐๏ธ uv
Lua bindings for the embedded libuv library
๐๏ธ uws
LuaJIT bindings for the embedded uWebSockets library
๐๏ธ webgpu
LuaJIT bindings for the embedded wgpu-native library
๐๏ธ webview
LuaJIT bindings for the embedded webview library
๐๏ธ zlib
Lua bindings for the embedded zlib library